Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Physiotherapy for baby

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If a child is too much time in the crib, stroller or riding school, in the future this may lead to obesity. Activity at an early age helps to maintain good physical shape and in the future.

Lack of exercise retards the development of infants and the onset of the important skills such as crawling and walking. It is therefore important to encourage the motor activity of the child from the very first months of his life.

Be sure to play with the baby in different games like "ladushek" and "cuckoo". When the baby is awake and in good spirits, put it in a safe place where he can move independently, crawl, roll over and explore the world around us.

Another great way to develop the child's activity - enroll in special classes, where children play and discover many new things under the supervision of parents and together with them. Such studies are usually learn the songs, playing outdoor games, children are equipped with various slides, tunnels, sliding track etc.

Exercise with baby

To engage in physical activities together, not necessarily written in a children's gym. You can do at home with your child the following exercises:

Warning Do not do exercises 1 and 2, if your child is not holding the head or you have problems with the loin.

1. Lifting child

· Lie on your back and bend your knees.

· Keep your child's chest.

Slow lift the baby, supporting his mid-torso. Pull the arm, leaving your elbows slightly bent.

· Keep your child's weight and count to five. Then lower the child and put it on his chest.

· Repeat.

The result: The exercise strengthens the elbows, shoulders and chest.

2. Lifting legs

· Lie on your back with your knees bent, and uprites soles of the feet on the floor. Put your baby on his legs, holding his belly down and face him. Firmly holding his hands.

· Tighten the muscles of the press and the buttocks, lower back pressed to the floor.

· Raise the legs together with your child so that the legs were parallel to the floor.

· Hold them in that position until the count to 3.

Slow toes.

· Repeat.

The result: The exercise strengthens the front thigh muscle.

Exercises for children

Try to arrange for your child's little training. These classes will improve his digestion, and coordination, as well as help him relax.

1. Bicycles

· Put your baby on his back.

· Carefully pull out the legs of the child, and then bend their knees. Do these movements alternately left and right leg.

The result: The exercise easier, and colic eliminates gases.

2. Tyanis and creep

· Turn the child on his tummy.

· Put his favorite toy so that he could not reach her before.

· Encourage your child to reach or crawl to a toy.

· When he grabbed her again, repeat the game until the child is tired.

Result: A child learns to move and use both sides of the body. In the future this will help him learn to read and write.

3. Push it!

· Put your baby on his back.

· Put a small soft toy around his feet.

· Encourage him to push a toy with his foot.

· If the child does not want to push the toy, slide it close, so that he felt the soles of her feet.

· Try to keep your child to use both feet.

· Call your child what he does. You say: "You're pushing a toy!".

Result: The child learns that you can do legs. He also begins to understand the connection between cause and effect.
Rx Hawaii

Help to child with autism

What is autism?

Autism - a violation of the human ability to communicate and interact with others. Autistic brain works differently, and therefore such a child develops differently. Parents are often concerned that the baby does not talk like other children his age.

Autism is found in 2.6 children in 1000. Boys suffer from this disorder is four times more often than girls.

What problems threaten to autistic children?
Each child with autism is manifested in its own way, but there are common features. Communicate

* Children begin to talk late or not at all say
* Difficulties in the use of gestures, facial expressions, intonations
* Repeated words or phrases without understanding their meaning
* They say unnaturally loud or monotone

Communication Skills

* They prefer solitude
* Interested in other people, but do not know how to communicate with them
* Does not like being touched or picked up
* Do not like to look into the eyes
* Not listening, conversation is one-sided
* Poor understanding feelings - like strangers, and their


* Tend to be repetitive, monotonous action, do not like change
* Sensitive to visual, tactile and audible impressions
* Excessive tied to his hobby or subject
* Show aggression and anger

Signs of Autism
Talk to your doctor if you notice that the development of the child deviates from the norm, for example, if one year old baby is not babbling and waving goodbye to handle. The doctor will observe the child's behavior. Early detection of autism makes prognosis more favorable. In this case, more likely to adjust the development of the child.

Treatment: children under 3 years
Treatment is directed at solving specific problems (often with speech and behavior). Children are taught communication skills and encourage their success.

If a child has problems with coordination of movements and a sense of balance, physical therapists work with him. Parents are taught how to deal with children at home.

What to do at home

* Check how you can schedule a more permanent status and occupation
* Praise, encourage their child. For example, let him play with a favorite toy, if he did something good
* Demonstrate the love of a child with all means available. Attention and care - the best support for any child.

Treatment: children older than 3 years
With autism often learn at home. In large cities there are special centers and schools for these children. May be needed as classes with a speech therapist and psychologist.

Medication can help to solve some problems with the child's behavior. Against the background of their child is receiving more adequately behave in school and in other social situations. Antidepressants are used to eliminate compulsive disorder, and stereotyped behavior. They can also improve social skills, in particular, facilitate the establishment of visual contact with the child. When hyperactivity assigned the same drugs as in the case of attention deficit disorder.
What will happen to my child?
Autism is not curable, but a meaningful and successful life, even with such a diagnosis is possible. Many adults live alone and engaged in intellectual activities, such as programming. Other life in need of assistance. Success in adult life depends largely on intelligence, personality characteristics and on how well he learned to interact with other people.
Rx Washington

New recommendations for the identification of autism

Parents often instinctively feel that their baby is something wrong, but not with whom to share their doubts. Sometimes take months or even years, before doctors diagnose "autism".

In 2007, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued new recommendations designed to help parents and doctors to recognize early signs of autism, allowing him to begin treatment as soon as possible. Although the disease is incurable, early medical intervention helps the child to realize the maximum available to it potential.

Recommendations suggest to check all children aged 18-24 months, if they have symptoms of autism, regardless of complaints or concerns of parents. During the regular inspection of a physician with special techniques can assess the speech and overall development of the child.

The risk of autism greater if a brother or sister of the child is already diagnosed, or if the parents, nurse or doctor expressed concern about his behavior. If any of these circumstances, recommended a more detailed examination.

Early signs of autism may appear during the first months of life. Their early detection can begin treatment early. Notify child's doctor if you notice that your child:

* Does not smiling or smile very little. Babies begin to smile, to attract the attention of other people already in the first months of life.
* Avoid looking people in the eye. In normal as early as 2-4 months, children establish eye contact with her mother, father and other relatives.
* Do not respond to his name. Usually a baby begins to respond to his name in 10 months.
* Not asked when you tell something or say: "Look here." In a normal reaction to such a request is already being marked with 10-12 months.
* No points to objects or people aged 12-14 months.
* No babbling. The child usually begins to babble with the 6-months. 8-10 months babbling becomes more complicated, the child begins to fold the sounds into syllables and words ( "ba-Nay-mA). Infants begin to imitate sounds and speech intonations of the native language.

In the presence of the following symptoms should seek medical advice immediately:

* One year old child is not babbling or pointing to objects
* A child of 16 months not even pronounce some words
* The kid in the 24 months does not say simple phrases of two words
* There is a regression in development - loss of speech and communication skills - at any age.

Share with your doctor any complaints about speech development and communication skills in a child (especially in the presence of regression). Approximately one in four children with autism and other related disorders, starts but then stops talking. This usually occurs in 15-24 months. Sick children may lose other previously acquired skills: the ability to specify a view, he waved his hand, making eye contact. The apparent regression in development - it is an occasion to refer to a specialist.
Treatment can begin even before they will be diagnosed with autism. The earlier correction of speech and behavior, the greater the benefit to the patient in the long run, and the higher the chances that he can lead a normal life.
Rx Montana